Skills in a Box
Skills in a Box helps students to develop a greater understanding of the key transferable skills that they will develop through school and university level learning and crucially how these will support them within their future careers.
Through a series of hands on, fun activities students will increase their confidence in areas such as problem solving, team work and communication.
In addition, each box includes a reflection task, encouraging students to identify the skills developed, how to evidence them and how they will benefit from them. Information is also included highlighting skills gaps within industry and those which are particularly attractive to employers, i.e. data analysis.
* To help us track the impact and engagement of the HE Unboxed programme, we ask that all schools provide postcode data for participating students, or complete our EMWPREP consent forms. We will post your selected box to you as soon as we receive this data
** Please note: where a box includes perishables, we may ask the school to provide these. All other equipment is provided free of charge.