Project - Conflicts of Interest

To raise awareness of and compliance with the revised conflicts of interest policy.

Project Sponsor : Dr Jen Fensom, Director of Research and Enterprise, Anne Lamb, Director of Human Resources, Ffyona Baker, Director of OD & Change
Process owners: REO, HR, Ethics Committee
Change Team FacillitatorSandra Hill, John Houghton and Liz Monk
Project Status:

A risk relating to the level of awareness and compliance with the University’s Conflict of Interest Policy has been identified. The policy and procedure have been updated to provide greater clarity, and the Change Team will be supporting the briefing of those affected by the policy revisions and the development and piloting of training targeted at roles.

Project Strands include Internal Communications and Training and Development.  This project will link into the broader Compliance Culture Programme - taking a holistic approach, managing awareness raising and formal training activities in an integrated way, to maximise impact with stakeholders and audiences. &²Ô²ú²õ±è; 

Further information is available from: Sandra HillJohn Houghton and Liz Monk.