Benefit realised (to date)

The project focuses on realising staff time savings, measured through working days per annum. We aim to realise savings equivalent to 10,000 days per annum.

Benefits planned

A further 1200 days are expected to be realised through ongoing workstreams. Phase 3 will then aim to save a further 5000 days alongside qualitative benefits

Benefits realised up-to-date

3204 working days equivalent per annum saved

The project has not begun comprehensive mapping of the qualitative benefits brought about through completed workstreams. Qualitative benefits will, in the main, rely on the changes made through the project to be embedded so staff begin to feel and report on the reduced inefficiency or frustration. 


Below are the three case studies to exhibit qualitative benefits we are already aware of coming out of the project.

Creative and Print Services Workstream 

Colleagues in CPS report feeling less burdened following the changes made which have released them to explore further changes to improve the user experience and efficiencies, namely integrations between their current systems.

Assessment and Feedback Workstream

Although the NSS methodology changes meaning that comparison between the 2022 and 2023 data sets should be done sceptically, there was a significant improvement in the University's ranking following the workstreams changes 

Operations Committee Workstream

This workstream was heavily focused on the qualitative benefits rather than quantitative time savings and feedback so far from the schools is positive and that they appreciate the devolution.