Contractors - Registration process

Contractor management

It is a requirement for contractors who intend to work on the campus to have completed the online site induction and pass a test linked to the induction which then enables them to be issued with a valid contractor pass. 


The induction gives you an overview of site procedures. The link to the health and safety induction is available on the main contractors page and below.

You are required to complete the induction, watch the videos that are imbedded within the induction. It is important to watch the full content as the test is based on this!Once the induction is completed the system will ask you for your details.

  • Please ensure all boxes are filled in as if incomplete the pass will not be issued which may cause a delay in the works.
  • As part of this process, you will be required to know and enter your LU project Manager/ Person Managing the works.
  • This is import as they receive an email to confirm that the induction and test have been completed and passed.
  • Use the dropdown list if you do not know your project manager, please contact your supervisor/Manager to resolve the issue.
  • Do not select a random name from the list as will invalidate the induction process and the process will need to be restarted from the beginning.
  • The information from this page is used as the source information for your contractor pass.

You will then be asked to complete a multiple-choice quiz based on the induction and content you have watched, and you must achieve an 80% pass mark, if this is not achieved no pass can be issued. If you do fail the test, you will be able to take it again immediately.

Example question:

8 - How far do you need to be away from a University building before you can smoke?
(1 point)

  • 2m
  • 3m
  • 6m
  • 4m

Collection of a pass

On your first day onsite, you must report to your Project Manager who will then issue you with your pass and give you a site/job specific induction before you commence works.

All passes have a QR code on them which is scanned when entering and leaving site.

These are located:

  • FM Services Yard
  • Holywell Park (To be installed Jan 22)
  • Security (To be installed Jan 22)
  • West Park (Install date TBC)