Rutherford 2 - Main Leak - 16.09.24.

Posted: 16 September 2024

Description of the Works

A large leak has appeared from the bank in the lower Rutherford area, which is link to the loss of pressure in surrounding buildings – (Main water)

Works will be under way to excavate within the location of the leak, outside of Rutherford 2.

The area will be fenced off (including the spoil) and alternative routes will need to be found around the area.

The time scale and work required at this point, is unknown before we start to break ground, but we hope to get this resolved within a week.

Please note:

Residents within the area that are residing at the university (currently) may be affected by the works needed to be conducted.

To which we apologise for, in advance.

Rutherford 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,15, 16, 18, 19, and 20

Royce 9, 10, 11, and 12.


Start of urgent work 16.09.24.

How can I get more information and help?

The Estates and Facilities Management team member looking after the task is detailed below and can be contacted about any difficulties experienced because of these works.

Matthew Polkey - Mechanical Maintenance Manager

Mobile - 07895331869

Email ->