Hogervorst, E. and Bandelow, S., ''Should surgical menopausal women be treated with estrogens to decrease the risk of dementia?'', Neurology, 69(1), September 2007, pp 1-2.
Lee, A.C.H., Bandelow, S., Schwarzbauer, C., Henson, R.N.A. and Graham, K.S., ''Perirhinal cortex activity during visual object discrimination: An event-related fMRI study'', NeuroImage, 33(1), 15th October 2006, pp 362-373, ISSN 1053 8119.
Plunkett, K. and Bandelow, S., ''Stochastic approaches to understanding dissociations in inflectional morphology'', Brain and Language, 98(2), August 2006, pp 194-209, ISSN 0093 934X
Bandelow, S. and Hogervorst, E., ''Improving the diagnosis of early dementia using computerized validated systems'', Jeaam & Baamj, 3, 2006, pp 6-9.
Hogervorst, E., Bandelow, S., Combrinck, M. and Smith, A.D., ''Low free testosterone is an independent risk factor for Alzheimer's disease'', Experimental Gerontology, 39(11/12), November 2004, pp 1633-1639, ISSN 0531 5565.