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Dr Sabrina Furtado joined the School of Sport, Exercise and Health Sciences as the Dean’s Associate Fellow in Sport Management in 2024. Prior to joining º¬Ðß²ÝÊÓƵ, Sabrina was a teacher in the programme of Sports and Physical Education at the Federal University of Parana, and the State University of Santa Catarina, in Brazil. She taught courses in sport management, sports law, and marketing and entrepreneurship in the sports and physical activity sector. She also supervises master's students' projects in sport management and sport policy.

Sabrina carries out projects related to governance, management, and strategic planning in public and private entities related to sports and physical activity, in partnership with international organizations and entities. These projects aim to strengthen sports policies, support local and national sport organisations and bring a positive impact to stakeholders linked to the sport system.

Sabrina’s research includes topics related to sport governance, sport policy, and physical activity policy. More specifically, she has published analyses on the adoption of governance principles by national sport organisations, the modernisation process of entities, and critical research into problematic sponsorship in sport.

Sabrina's external activities include a diverse array of public engagements in the form of working groups, associate memberships, guest speaker and advisory roles:

Invited talks and conferences

Featured publications

FURTADO, S. PIGGIN, J. GONCALVES, G. & MEZZADRI, F. 2022. The Modernization Process in Brazilian National Olympic Federations.  Journal of Global Sport Management. DOI:  10.1080/24704067.2022.2136101

FURTADO, S.; LISE, N. S. ; BARROS, L. F. M.  2021. Modernization of the Organizational Structure in Sport Organizations. In: Fernando Marinho Mezzadri; Ricardo João Sonoda-Nunes. (Org.). Management and Governance of Brazilian Sport. 1ed. Francisco Beltrão: Berzon Gráfica e Editora, v. 1, p. 145-165.

SILVEIRA, J; DOS SANTOS, S; FURTADO, S; MESSA, F. 2019. Turma da Mônica and people with disabilities: signs of diversity and inclusion in Maurício de Sousa's comics. Pensar a Prática, v. 22, p. 1-13. DOI: 10.5216/rpp.v22.54424  

FURTADO, S; VENTURINE, N; MEZZADRI, F. 2019. The performance of the Brazilian Paralympic Committee as an organization of civil society of public interest. Movimento, v. 25, p. e25086. DOI: 10.22456/1982-8918.92201

PIGGIN, J; SOUZA, D; FURTADO, S; MILANEZ, MA; CUNHA, G; LOUZADA, B; GRAEFF, B; TLILI, H. 2019. Do the Olympic Games promote dietary health for spectators? An interdisciplinary study of health promotion through sport. European Sport Management Quarterly, v. 00, p. 1-21. DOI: 10.1080/16184742.2018.1562484

POFFO, B. N.; VELASCO, A. P.; KUGLER, A. G.; FURTADO, S.; SANTOS, S. M.; FERMINO, A. L.; SOUZA, D. L. 2017. Media and Paralympic Games in Brazil: investigating stigmas in the journalistic coverage of the Sao Paulo Newspaper. Movimento (Porto Alegre). DOI: 10.22456/1982-8918.67945

SANTOS, S. M.; FURTADO, S.; POFFO, B. N.; VELASCO, A. P.; SOUZA, D. L. 2017 (under review). Media and Paralympic Games in Brazil: Folha de São Paulo coverage between 1992 and 2016. Revista Brasileira de Ciências do Esporte. DOI: 10.1016/j.rbce.2018.03.012

FURTADO, S.; EFFTING, E.R.M ; CASTRO S. B. E. de ; SOUZA, D. L. 2016. The funding of sports in the state of Santa Catarina: the case of FUNDESPORTE in the years 2011 and 2012. Motrivivência (Florianópolis), v. 28, p. 145-159. DOI: 10.5007/2175-8042.2016v28n47p145