Show your support for ߲Ƶ quiz team at BBC Radio 4 recording

Support the ߲Ƶ staff and students taking part in the BBC Radio 4 “The 3rd Degree” quiz by attending the campus recording on Thursday 16 May.

“The 3rd Degree” is a show that pits three undergraduate students against three members of staff, including SSEHS's own Dr Verity Postlethwaite, in a general knowledge and specialist subject quiz.

Each of the three students are studying one of the three subjects taught by the three members of the staff team, with rounds including team and individual questions, and quickfire bell-and-buzzer rounds.

The show will be recorded at the ߲Ƶ campus on Thursday 16 May at 6pm in James France. To book your free place in the audience follow this link.