Water Engineering and Development Centre

8 Mar 2024

43rd WEDC International Conference: Water and Climate Resilience

43rd WEDC International Conference

Water and Climate Resilience

Online with free access for all delegates *
9-13 September 2024

Welcome to the 43rd WEDC International Conference website. Here you will find all the documents, templates and application forms relating to the submission of abstracts, posters, agency events and exhibitions as well as how to register and join the conference nearer the time.

If you would like to present at the conference, refer to the Guidance for Authors and Presenters for instructions, then sign up and/or login to My WEDC (see the instructions below under How to register). Then follow the link ‘SUBMIT extended abstract or poster’ by 1 March 2024.

º¬Ðß²ÝÊÓƵ our conferences

Our conferences bring together participants from the research, practice and policy communities to discuss and explore the broad range of issues related to water engineering and development.

They typically attract attendees from more than forty countries. In addition to traditional presentation and poster formats, the conferences incorporate sessions where participants can discuss key themes. There are opportunities for international agencies to provide training for sector professionals, workshops to support students, and exhibitions from other sector stakeholders.

º¬Ðß²ÝÊÓƵ this conference

Our title for the forthcoming conference – Water and Climate Resilience – recognises that the world faces a future that is uncertain as we face the global challenge of reducing the impact the changing climate has on the water sector.

For over fifty years, WEDC has sought to develop the knowledge and capacity of both individuals and institutions across the world working to meet the challenges of the sector, particularly in low- and middle-income countries. The WEDC International Conferences continue to be key to supporting learning and sharing, which is critical for progress towards global goals and aspirations. To this end, we encourage open and honest exchange and debate of our experiences within our changing environment.

The conference comprises keynote presentations on Monday 9 September 2024, followed by four days of online presentations; interactive discussions of peer reviewed content; agency events from international organizations working in the sector; and online exhibitions.

How to register for the conference

  1. Sign up to My WEDC and create a profile:
    Go to https://wedc.lu/my-wedc-welcome
    After creating your profile, you will receive an email informing you of your username and password so you can login to My WEDC Conferences. Make a note of your username and password. (If you forget these details, you can retrieve them from: https://wedc.lu/my-wedc-forgotton-details). If you have already signed up, you can skip this step, and log in instead.
  2. Login into My WEDC and register.
    Once you have signed up and logged into to My WEDC, click the link on the 'Welcome' screen to connect to the conference. If you have already done this, you can skip this step.
    • Keynote speakers, authors, reviewers, agencies, exhibitors and WEDC staff:
      Registration open 1 – 31 July 2024
    • Delegates: Registration open 1 – 31 August 2024
    When registration is open, click on the link ‘Register for conference'. Once registered, you will be emailed a confirmation of your place.*

The conference platform will open on 8 September so that you can check your connection, take a look at the abstracts and consult the programme. The conference and the live programme of events will open on 9 September at 9.00am British Summer Time (BST) which is one hour ahead of Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). We will inform you of the checking in process early in September.

Should you experience any difficulties with registration or checking in to the conference, please email us at wedc.conf@lboro.ac.uk. Note, however, that we cannot help with local internet connections. If you can, we recommend that you join the conference using a broadband connection on a laptop or desktop computer rather than a mobile phone.

The Proceedings of the conference will be archived in º¬Ðß²ÝÊÓƵ’s Institutional Repository indefinitely. A condition of registration is that presenters and delegates accept that their contributions (including chats) will feature in The Proceedings indefinitely.


Although access to the conference is free of charge, we would be grateful to receive voluntary donations as contributions to the John Pickford Scholarship Fund. The fund helps to support disadvantaged students to study one of our educational programmes in the UK or by distance learning. You can make a donation on º¬Ðß²ÝÊÓƵ’s Online Store: https://wedc.lu/donation43.

We look forward to welcoming you in September!

* In the event that the maximum number of registered places at the conference is reached, priority for entry will be given to keynote speakers, authors, reviewers, agencies, exhibitors and WEDC staff.