X-ray Powder Diffraction

X-ray diffraction (XRD) is used for polycrystalline material analysis. The instrument uses the classic Bragg-Brentano configuration to obtain data for qualitative and quantitative crystalline phase identification, crystallinity determination and structure investigations When a parallel beam of X-rays is directed upon a crystalline material the crystal planes will diffract the beam to form an interference pattern. For constructive interference, the interplanar spacing relates to the incident X-rays according to the Bragg equation: 2d.sinθ = nλ. By varying the diffraction angle 2θ this method generates an X-ray diffraction pattern consisting of a series of sharp peaks of differing intensity. The 2θ angle at which a peak occurs corresponds to a particular interplanar spacing of the crystalline content of the material.

Typical industrial uses

Minerals and ceramics

  • Geological material identification
  • Anode coke characterization
  • Cement phase quantification
  • Gypsum/anhydrite phase quantification

Polymers and composites

  • Percentage crystallinity
  • Additive identification
  • Texture analysis

Paint and pigments

  • White pigments quantification


  • Development and formulation
  • Durability and aging studies

Key Capabilities

  • Phase identification and quantification
  • Crystal structure analysis
  • Degree of crystallinity determination
  • Phase properties (cell parameters, crystallite size, and lattice strain)
  • Qualitative texture analysis


Bruker AXS D2 PHASER desktop X-ray diffraction (XRD) system

System Specification:

  • Standard ceramic sealed copper X-ray tube (wavelength kα - 1.5418 Å)
  • X-ray generation 30 kV / 10 mA
  • 1-dimensional LynxEYE™ compound silicon-strip X-ray detector for high speed data collection
  • Maximum useable angular range 3 - 160 ° (2θ)

Are you interested in using this technique?

If you are interested in using this technique and would like further information please do not hesitate to get in touch.

º¬Ðß²ÝÊÓƵ Researchers Industrial Users / External Researchers