Gestation is a complex negotiation of culture, biology and politics constituted through entanglements of human and non-human agents and practices that extend beyond the flesh.
The Theme explored the scientific, historical, cultural sociological and ethical implications of what it means to 'Breathe' and what this tells us about the world we live in today.
The Theme examined interdisciplinary applications of AI alongside its social impact and consequences. Whilst the development of AI itself is largely computer science based, its real-world application is a truly interdisciplinary topic.
The critical importance of time for all practical activities naturally puts it in the centre of any worldview, and its effects on the individual make it a very personal experience. The Time Theme will address two broad issues: concepts and misconceptions and pragmatics and uses of time.
Over two-thirds of the Earth’s surface is covered by ocean, while freshwater represents around 1% of the available water, it supports a significant proportion of global biodiversity.
Sound is a fundamental and rich source of information, yet often overlooked. It is physical, sensorial, and emotional, as well as social, cultural, and environmental.
The IAS thematic programme on Geometry inaugurates the newly formed Centre for Geometry and its Applications.
Motion is fundamental to the human condition, and to the environment in which humans operate.
From “Let’s take back control” of the Brexit campaign to “Make America great again” and the generalised growth of nationalistic and xenophobic parties, nation is back at the centre of politics.
The Communication Theme enhanced the University’s reputation in the area, and consolidated key international research networks, particularly with colleagues in North America
The Migration Theme brought together strands of Migration research from all Schools at the University through a series of Fellow-focussed events, consolidating key areas of enquiry and establishing and extending international networks in the field of Migration.