Associate Professor Cecilia González Tokman

Headshot of IAS Residential Fellow Cecilia Tokman

IAS Residential Fellow

University of Queensland

Cecilia González Tokman is an associate professor at the University of Queensland’s School of Mathematics and Physics. She completed undergraduate studies at Universidad de Guanajuato / CIMAT (Mexico) and a PhD at the University of Maryland (USA). She has held research fellowships from the Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences (PIMS, Canada) and the Australian Research Council (ARC).

Cecilia’s research interests include dynamical systems, ergodic theory and their applications. Cecilia has delivered lectures, seminars and colloquia around the world, and has been invited to participate at specialised workshops at AIM (USA), BIRS (Canada), Bernoulli Center (Switzerland), CMO (Mexico), CIRM (France), Centro De Giorgi (Italy), Erdös Center (Hungary), Lorentz Center (Netherlands) and MATRIX (Australia). She has served on the MATRIX Scientific Committee, Australian Mathematical Society council and ANZIAM Executive Committee. She has (co-)organised various conferences and workshops in Australia, Canada and Mexico. 

During their IAS Residential Fellowship, Associate Professor Tokman is collaborating with Professor Wael Bahsoun from the Department of Mathematical Sciences.