Photo of a building site with a crane and a timber modular being lifted into the air

º¬Ðß²ÝÊÓƵ Professor joins two prestigious panels that will accelerate the drive to zero waste and circular economy in construction

Professor Mohamed Osmani from the School of Architecture, Building and Civil Engineering has joined two prestigious environmental panels.

Headshot of Professor Osmani, who is facing the camera smiling and wearing a white shirt

The first is the UK Government Construction Leadership Council Resources and Waste Task Group, which is responsible for developing a Routemap for Zero Avoidable Waste for England by 2050. The Routemap aims to catalyse actions by all parts of the supply chain to reduce and ultimately eliminate all avoidable waste, after the target was set in the UK Government’s Resources and Waste Strategy for England.

The second panel is the UK Green Building Council (UKGBC) Circular Economy in Construction Task Group, which published a toolkit last week titled 'System Enablers for a Circular Economy’.

The toolkit identifies eight systemic thematic enablers encompassing industry, policy and market-based solutions to enable the build environment industry to shift from a linear to a circular system.

Professor Osmani, who is an expert in Sustainable Design and Construction commented: “Working with leading industry experts in both the Construction Leadership Council and UKGBC task groups culminated in the development of industry and policy zero waste and circular economy actions.

“The resulting outcomes are closely related to our ongoing research centres and projects, namely the UKRI-funded Interdisciplinary Circular Economy Centre for Mineral-Based Construction Materials and the EU-funded ICEBERG project.”
