International Reputation

For outstanding international engagement that has enhanced the University’s global profile.

Winner: The Discourse & Rhetoric Group (DARG)

Established in 1987, this group has developed a reputation for offering a globally attended workshop in Conversation Analysis. In the last year alone, they have been approved by high profile organisations such as the Ministry of Justice, the Crown Prosecution Service and the NHS. 

The Discourse & Rhetoric Group (DARG) receiving a VC award from the Vice-Chancellor, Nick Jennings


The Aftrak Team

Aftrak is a groundbreaking initiative that combines solar microgrids and tailored tractors to empower smallholder farmers across Africa. It aims to significantly increase crop yields and smallholder incomes while providing access to clean, green electricity in rural communities. Invented, designed and manufactured on campus, Aftrak demonstrates reliable and affordable energy generation in remote locations, from small to large scale with innovative modular solar microgrids, whilst improving soil preparation for people of all levels of ability.

Bala Vaidhyanathan

Vaidhy has been nominated for his stellar efforts on strengthening the University’s international engagement, leading to notable positive impact with both academic and industrial collaborative partners in India. He proactively engaged with Bajaj Autos Ltd, one of India’s largest automotive manufacturers. In addition, he is also involved in many other teaching, research and enterprise links with premier institutions in India, Europe and the USA.

Ben Daly

Ben has worked consistently over the past year to develop, plan, and deliver the successful VCO delegation to the USA in April 2024. As an International Officer, this organisation and work was above and beyond what would be expected of this role, with other similar delegations being arranged by Regional Manager level staff and above. There is no doubt that Ben’s work here was vital in raising the University’s Global Profile through this visit.

Bucur Novac

Bucur has led a number of significant international collaborations and partnerships. For instance, his collaboration with the Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) saw Bucur deliver a two-week course to the LANL team, receiving immensely positive feedback. As a result, LUEL was invited to quote for further work with this prestigious laboratory.

Luciano Ost

Since his appointment in 2018, Luciano has been invited to deliver talks and seminars at a variety of renowned academic and industrial venues, such as Berkeley University and the 2018 Arm Summit. These opportunities not only reflect the international recognition of his expertise but also underscore his commitment to fostering international collaboration and knowledge exchange.