Are you comfortable?
Supporting your physical health when working from home
Most staff will be working from home using display screen equipment (DSE). Some people will have a good office set up at home which is comfortable for them.
However, many of us may find that we’re having to improvise to create a safe and comfortable space to work in. The below guidance has been produced to support you in doing this and offers practical tips that you may want to consider, including tips on how to sit correctly.
If you still find your space is unmanageable and causing you pain, then contact your School or departmental line manager and discuss your concerns.
If you have a chronic condition which makes using DSE at home difficult, further support might be needed. Reasonable adjustments can be considered and arranged through Furniture & Domestic Services (FADS) within Estates and Facilities Management.
Further information on this and how to complete an assessment on your workstation can be found in the guidance below.
Keep moving
You may not have an ideal set up for working at home but taking breaks frequently and stretching can help.
The University has compiled a booklet of exercises that staff members can follow at home, to keep you moving throughout the day.