Centre for Service Management


Members of the Centre embody a wide range of discipline backgrounds and research expertise, representing many approaches and paradigms in the study of services.

CSM Management Committee

Professor Thorsten Gruber

Photo of Professor Thorsten Gruber

Director, Centre for Service Management

Professor of Marketing and Service Management

Professor Ian Hodgkinson

Photo of Professor Ian Hodgkinson

Deputy Director, Centre for Service Management

Professor of Strategy

Professor Vicky Story

Photo of Professor Vicky Story

Deputy Director, Centre for Service Management

Professor of Marketing

Dr Keme Ifie

Photo of Dr Keme Ifie

Associate Director (Enterprise), Centre for Service Management

Lecturer in Marketing

Dr Sahar Mousavi

Photo of Dr Sahar  Mousavi

Associate Director (Engagement), Centre for Service Management

Lecturer in Marketing

Full Members

Dr Adedapo Adebajo

Photo of Dr Adedapo Adebajo

Dr Suzana Grubnic

Photo of Dr Suzana  Grubnic

Senior Lecturer in Management Accounting

Dr Virginie Lavoye

Photo of Dr Virginie Lavoye

Dr Arinze Christian Nwoba

Photo of Dr Arinze Christian Nwoba

Lecturer in Marketing

Dr Cagri Talay

Photo of Dr Cagri Talay

Lecturer in Marketing

Dr George Tsimonis

Photo of Dr George Tsimonis

Associate Members

Professor Paul Downward

Photo of Professor Paul Downward

Professor of Economics

Professor Elizabeth Stokoe

Photo of Professor Elizabeth Stokoe

Professor of Social Interaction - Associate Dean for Research for the School of Social, Political and Geographical Sciences

PhD students

Majd Abedrabbo

  • Supervisors: Dr Fiona Ellis-Chadwick and Dr Cathy Hart
  • Start Date: October 2017
  • Topic: Connected experiences: An empirical investigation into the dynamics of physical/digital shopping behaviour and the impact on town centres

Alfred Ajayi

  • Supervisors: Dr Lili Yang and Professor Malcolm King
  • Start Date: October 2011 (part-time)
  • Topic: Cloud computing and global emergency management

Rosamund Chester Buxton (PhD Students Representative)

  • Supervisors: Dr Ian Hodgkinson and Dr Michelle Richey
  • Topic: How does performance measurement inform performance management in UK public service organisations?

Shaimaa Doma

Peter Gardner

  • Supervisor: Dr Nicola Bateman (external: Leicester)
  • Start date: October 2010 (part-time)
  • Topic: How effective is visual management in supporting decision making when used in a service sector environment

Katrin Heucher

  • Supervisors: Professor Thorsten Gruber, Dr Alex Wilson and Dr Ibrahim Abosag
  • Start Date: April 2017
  • Title: Interactive strategizing towards sustainability in service ecosystems

Harish Kumar

  • Supervisors: Professor Paul Downward (Affiliate Member), Dr Ian Hodgkinson, Dr Guillaume Bodet (Affiliate Member)
  • Start Date: October 2014
  • Topic: Health and fitness provision: From facilities’ strategic management to local populations’ health, well-being and social outcomes

Karen Maher (Associate member) 

  • Supervisors: Dr Nicola Bateman (external: Leicester) and Dr Ray Randall 
  • Start Date: October 2013 
  • Topic: Operational effectiveness for the Fire and Rescue Service (FRS) and firefighters’ fitness and well-being

Sibi Markose

  • Supervisors: Professor Zoe Radnor (Visiting Professor) and Dr Nicola Bateman (external: Leicester)
  • Start Date: 2013
  • Topic: Lean in a regulated environment: The case of Royal Mail

Gavin White

  • Supervisors: Dr Louise Cooke and Dr Nicola Bateman (external: Leicester)
  • Start Date: October 2015
  • Topic: Semantics and semiotics: Use of meaning and visualisation for organisational learning

Junyi (Amy) Xie (PhD Coordinator)

  • Supervisors: Dr Keme Ifie and Prof Thorsten Gruber
  • Start Date: January 2018
  • Title: Exploring the Influences of Customer Experiences on Frontline Employee Experiences

Wanyu Zhang

  • Supervisors: Dr. João Oliveira and Dr Sahar Mousavi
  • Start Date: July 2019
  • Title: The role of social media engagement on tourism destination choice

Araz Zirar

  • Supervisor: Dr Alok Choudhary
  • Start date: October 2014
  • Topic: Analysing the possibility of applying Lean administration in Iraqi Kurdistan


Visiting Professors

Professor Bo EdvardssonProfessor of Business Administration, CTF, Service Research Centre (Sweden), Bo.Edvardsson@kau.se

Professor Zoe RadorVice President (Strategy & Planning), Cass Business School, City University of London, UK


Academic Visitors

CSM was privileged to have Dr Mohamed Sobhy Ahmed Hassan (Temerak) visit the Centre for 6 months (30 May 2018 - 30 November 2018). You can read about his visit here.


Affiliates listed by country




Dr Ibrahim Abosag

Senior Lecturer in Marketing

SOAS, University of London

Dr Matthew Alexander

Senior Lecturer in Marketing

University of Strathclyde

Dr Rachel Ashman

Lecturer in Marketing

University of Liverpool

Professor David Bamford

Professor of Operations Management

Manchester Metropolitan University

Professor Steve Baron

Professor of Marketing

University of Liverpool

Professor Jamie Burton

Professor of Marketing

University of Manchester

Dr Dahlia El-Manstrly

Lecturer in Marketing

University of Edinburgh

Professor Heiner Evanschitzky

Professor of Marketing

Aston University

Dr Pippa Hunter-Jones

Lecturer in Marketing and Operations

University of Liverpool

Dr Kathy Keeling

Senior Lecturer in Marketing Research

University of Manchester

Dr Cristiana Raquel Lages

Associate Professor of Marketing

University of Reading

Professor Steve Martin

Professor in Public Management

Cardiff University

Professor Peter J. McGoldrick 

Professor of Retailing

Manchester Business School

Professor Claire Hannibal

Professor of Operations Management 

Manchester Metropolitan University

Professor Stephen Osborne

Professor International Public Service Management

University of Edinburgh


Professor Helen Perks

Professor of Marketing

University of Nottingham

Dr Alexander Reppel

Reader in Marketing

Royal Holloway, University of London

Professor Andi Smart

Professor of Operations Management

University of Exeter

Professor Chris Voss

Professor of Operations Management

Warwick Business School/London Business School

Professor Helen Walker

Professor of Supply Chain and Operations Management

Cardiff University

Dr Ghasem Zaefarian

Associate Professor of Marketing

University of Leeds

Professor Judy Zolkiewski

Professor of Marketing

University of Manchester

Julija Dzenkovska

Doctoral Researcher 

Newcastle Business School

Charles Kemp

Doctoral Researcher 

Newcastle Business School




Mainland Europe






Professor Guillaume Bodet

Professor of Marketing

Université Claude Bernard 

Lyon 1

Professor Phil Klaus

Professor of Customer Experience and Marketing Strategy

Interational University of Monaco




Professor Matthias Gouthier

Professor of Marketing

Universität Koblenz-Landau

Professor Dr. Gianfranco Walsh

Professor of Marketing

Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena

Professor David Woisetschlaeger

Professor of Marketing

Technische Universitaet Braunschweig

Professor Dr. Nancy Wünderlich

Professor of Marketing

Universität Paderborn







Professor Tor W. Andreassen

Professor of Marketing

Norges Handelshøyskole, Center for Service Innovation, Bergen







Professor Bo Edvardsson

Professor of Business Administration

CTF, Karlstad University

Professor Anders Gustafsson

Professor of Business Administration

Karlstad University

Professor Per Skalen

Professor of Marketing

Karlstad University

Professor Lars Witell

Professor of Marketing

Linkoping University







Professor Dr Roediger Voss

Professor of Business Administration and Education

HWZ University of Applied Sciences in Business Administration Zurich




Outside Europe



Dr Linda Alkire

Assistant Professor of Marketing

Texas State University

Dr Laurel Anderson

Associate Professor of Marketing

Arizona State University, USA

Professor Thomas L. Baker

Professor of Marketing

University of Alabama, USA

Professor Mary Jo Bitner

Edwards M. Carson Chair in Service Marketing 

Arizona State University, USA

Professor Yvonne Brunetto

Professor of Management

Southern Cross University, Australia

Professor Weicheng Fan

Professor of Public Safety and Emergency Management

Tsinghua University, China

Professor Ray Fisk

Professor of Marketing

Texas State University, USA

Dr Taeshik Gong

Assistant Professor of Marketing 

Hanyang University, South Korea

Professor Dwayne D. Gremler

Professor of Marketing

Bowling Green State University, USA

Professor Jay Kandampully

Professor of Marketing

Ohio State University, USA

Dr Higor Leite

Associate Professor of Operations Management

Federal University of Technology, Brazil

Dr Anthony Lowrie

Professor of Marketing

Emerson College, USA

Dr Martin Mende

Associate Professor of Marketing

Florida State University, USA

Prof Amy Ostrom

PetSmart Chair in Service Leadership

Arizona State University, USA

Professor Mark Rosenbaum

Department Chair and Professor 

South Carolina University, USA

Professor Scott Sampson

Professor of Operations Management

Brigham Young University, USA

Professor Amrik Sohal

Professor of Operations Management

Monash University, Australia

Dr Lara Stocchi

Senior Lecturer in Marketing

The Flinders University of South Australia 

Academic visit: Dr Mohamed Sobhy Ahmed Hassan (Temerak)

30 May 2018 - 30 November 2018

Dr Mohamed Sobhy Ahmed Hassan Dr Mohamed Sobhy Ahmed Hassan

My academic visit to the Centre for Service Management (CSM) at º¬Ðß²ÝÊÓƵ started on the 30th of May and lasted until the 30th of November 2018. My visit started by taking part in the second Customer Management Leadership Group Academic-Practitioner Workshop co-organised by CSM and the University of Manchester in June 2018. In this workshop, I participated in a research project on how artificial intelligence is transforming the service encounter. The project is currently under review with the Journal of Business Research (ABS 3). We also submitted part of this project to both the Frontiers in Service 2019 and QUIS 16 conferences that will take place in Singapore and Karlstad, Sweden respectively.

In addition, I was also able to attend the Academy of Marketing Conference at the University of Stirling to present one of my research projects on customer-to-customer interactions. This paper won the best track prize (Services and Customer Relationship Marketing Track).

At CSM, I worked with Professor Thorsten Gruber and Dr Keme Ifie on two different research projects that focus on dynamics of the first encounter and the role of the physical appearance of mannequins in the retail shopping experience respectively. The former project has evolved into a conceptual paper to be submitted to the Journal of Service Research (ABS 4), while the latter project is currently at the research design stage which consists of a series of experiments.

I also had the chance of working with Professor Ian Hodgkinson on another research project on customers' experience during a global biking event with participants from 40 different countries using a Critical Incident methodology. We are currently collecting data by the means of an online survey from the international participants of pervious events.

My academic visit has also provided me with both time and opportunity to collaborate with other co-authors from other British universities such as Nottingham University Business School, SOAS and Edinburgh Business School. To this end, I was able to submit two manuscripts to two prestigious journals: European Sport Marketing Quarterly (ABS 3) and Tourism Management (ABS 4).

On the research training side, I received intensive training on using NVIVO software for qualitative data analysis which has extended my research capabilities to work on data analysis of social media content. I also had the chance to attend several seminars and workshops on different business and marketing subjects.

At the end of my visit, I used my consultancy experience in the Middle East to deliver a seminar to the staff members and doctoral students of the School of Business and Economics titled "No-One-Size-Fits All: Marketing strategy implications for online and sharing economy companies in the Middle East."

Finally, my visit to º¬Ðß²ÝÊÓƵ and the Centre for Service Management has significantly boosted my research career, and I am looking forward to building on these collaborations to continue working and publishing with centre members in top marketing journals.

Advisory Board

Professor David Bamford

Chair in Operations Management

Head of Operations Management Group

Ian Barrington

OE Consultant, Shell, Process Leadership Team

Steve Burrows

Director: The Social Care Improvement Group

Claire Cordeaux

Executive Director, Health and Social Care

SIMUL8 Corporation

Professor Robert East

Professor of Consumer Behaviour at Kingston University

Professor Bo Edvardsson

CTF - Service Research Centre, Professor of Business Administration, Vice Rector, Karlstad University

Dr. Ann Esain

Lecturer at Cardiff Business School

Martin Ferguson

Head of Policy at Socitm

Andrew Godfrey

Corporate Affairs, Alliance Boots

Crispin Haywood

Shopper Science Lab Director, GSK

Mark Jones

Director of Property Services. Shoreline Housing Partnership Ltd.

Dr. Jane Kennedy

London Borough of Newham

Phil Mayhew

Director of Business Transformation, Solihull MBC

Mark Palmer

Managing Director, OEE

Professor Helen Perks

Chair in Marketing, Divisional Research Director Nottingham UniversityBusiness School

Professor Nick Rich

Professor in Operations Management, Swansea University

Raff Russo

Alumni Entrepreneur

Director: Peter and That's Enough; Loc8me, JIM

Debbie Simpson

Chief Executive Officer, Institute for Continuous Improvement in the Public Sector (ICiPS)