2023 seminars
Development and challenges of metal halide perovskite materials-based X-ray detectors
Presenter(s): Presenter: Dr. Ganbaatar Tumen-Ulzii, University of Cambridge -
The versatility of Lorentz microscopy for studying nanomagnetic systems
Confinement transitions and quench dynamics of monopoles and strings in spin ice
Thinking with Nanomagnets
Mechanistic insights into polymerization-induced self-assembly using maleimide-based fluorophores
Riding the Wave of Green Change: Advancing Wave-Based Reservoir Computing for Sustainable AI
Optical frequency combs generation in fiber Fabry-Pérot resonators
Disorder in Nanophotonics: Blessing or Curse?
Microbeam Radiation Therapy: Narrow X-rays for big impact
Spin-dependent transport phenomena in nanostructures
Unconventional Transport in 1D Quantum Magnets
Astro Combs Applications and Requirements
Exploring Ultrafast Processes of Low-Dimensional Ferromagnets and Spin-Orbit Torque Devices
From the Growth to the Exploitation of 2D Materials
Planckian Electrons and Phonons in Cuprates
Low-cost Magnetic Resonance to Determine the Quality and Authenticity of Foods
Magnetic data storage technology; from the invention of PMR to the social integration
Picosecond spin pumping in antiferromagnet-heavy metal heterostructures
Quantum electrodynamics of non-demolition detection of single microwave photon
Dielectrowetting for dewetting
Kinetic constraints vs chaos in classical many-body dynamics
High-Order Coupled Cluster Method Applied to Lattice Quantum Spin Systems
Brain Inspired Computing using Memristors