Low-energy collective spin fluctuations in ruthenates and cuprates

  • 2 November 2022
  • 13
  • DAV.0.29

Prof. Stephen Hayden, Department of Physics, Bristol University

Spin fluctuations can be important in determining the physical properties of quantum materials. I will show how collective spin excitations can be mapped out in detail using modern neutron scattering techniques and how these excitations can be related to physical properties, particularly the heat capacity. I will discuss our recent measurements of very low-energy spin fluctuations in the normal state of cuprate superconductors and field-controlled magnetic quantum criticality in Sr3Ru2O7.

Lester, C., Ramos, S., Perry, R.S., Croft, T.P., Laver, M., Bewley, R.I., Guidi, T., Hiess, A., Wildes, A., Forgan, E.M. and Hayden, S.M., 2021. Magnetic-field-controlled spin fluctuations and quantum criticality in Sr3Ru2O7. Nature Communications, 12(1), pp.1-6.


Prof. Stephen Hayden
Department of Physics, Bristol University

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