Mathematical Modelling Seminars
Past events
Methods of Fitting empirical Potentials
Time-irreversibility in the classical many-body dynamics
Multiscale modelling of flow- induced crystallisation in polymers
Computer modelling of radiation effects: a 60 year story
Diffuse interface modelling of liquid mixtures with density contrast
Boundary-interior principle for microbial navigation in geometric confinement
Molecular Dynamic Simulation:Structural Role of Cu ions in Bioactive Glasses for Designing Scaffolds
An educationalist's observations on the teaching of mathematical modelling
Gas-plasma jet interaction with liquids: modelling and experiments
Phase-field Modeling of Biomineralization?
Are Lengthscales Enough? Pattern Selection in Soft Matter
Nanoheterogeneity in fluoridated bioactive glass
To stick or not to stick: Importance of chemistry and topography for bacterial biofilm formation
Electrocatalysis for fuel cell applications: Combined studies of electrochemistry and DFT modelling
A route to forming quasicrystals
Psuedo potential fitting from ab initio data