Geoffrey Mboya - Mildly singular K3 fibred Calabi-Yau threefolds and their deformations

  • 18 May 2022
  • 15:00
  • SCH.1.05

Presented by Geoffrey Mboya (Oxford)

I will be reporting on the classification problem of projective fibrations f:X->P^1 over the projective line, where the general fibre of f is one of the  “famous 95” list of Fletcher–Reid K3 hypersurfaces in weighted projective spaces, and the fibration f : X -> P^1 embeds into a weighted projective bundle as an anticanonical hypersurface of with at most Ordinary Double Point singularities. I will suitable construct twisting data on F, leading to finite lists of mildly singular CY3's. I will make brief comments about their deformations, degenerations, how to construct their moduli spaces and how different they are from the ones in the literature. This is part of my DPhil research supervised by Balazs Szendroi.

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