University Honours Committee

Policy on Revocation of Honorary Degrees

The University Honours Committee oversees, on behalf of Senate and Council, nominations for Honorary Degrees and University Medals. Awards are offered to individuals following approval of its recommendations by Senate and Council.

The Honours Committee Terms of Reference empower the Committee with the remit to consider the recission of, referring to Senate & Council where appropriate.

Damage to the University’s reputation is the most likely reason why revocation of an honorary award might be considered.

Decisions are guided by the University’s Ethical Policy Framework, which is based on the Nolan Principles of Public Life. The use of the Ethical Policy Framework provides a degree of benchmarking to the standards of behaviour expected by the University and which are expected nationally from those in public life. Members of the University Honours Committee are all senior members of staff who have received EDI training.

Process for Revocation

Potential cases for revocation are first considered by University Honours Committee which would make recommendations for approval by Senate/Council where applicable.

Concerns about the appropriateness of University Honorary Awards should be made to the Chief Operating Officer in the first instance.

Richard Taylor
Chief Operating Officer

Kim Schofield (PA to Chief Operating Officer)

Policy approved by University Honours Committee 26 Feb 2024 for review by 31 July 2027.