Space Allocation Sub-Committee
Terms of Reference
- To recommend major reallocations of space within the University for academic and other uses to the Infrastructure Committee.
- To advise Infrastructure Committee on matters relating to space strategy
- To keep under review the allocation of space within the University and in doing so, seek to ensure efficient and economic utilisation of space resources and that financial and environmental sustainability are key considerations in the space allocation process.
- To ensure appropriate surveys of space utilisation are undertaken and to report the findings to Infrastructure Committee
- To advise on timetabling policies and utilise central timetabling analysis to inform future teaching and laboratory space requirements.
- Ensure space utilisation and functional suitability across the University leading to potential decommissioning of legacy buildings.
- Ensure that both quantitative and qualitative methods of analysis are incorporated into space decisions
- To ensure sufficient and accurate records of space and its allocation are maintained.
- To make minor allocations of space through delegation to the Space Manager.
- To report to Infrastructure Committee.