Personal Titles Sub-Committee

Composition and membership

Composition and membership 2024/25


Ex-officio Members  
Provost and Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Chair) Professor Rachel Thomson


Professor Dan Parsons, PVC (R&I) 

Professor Jo Maher, PVC (Sport)

Appointed members  
3 Senior Professors (explicitly not Deans, nominated by the Vice-Chancellor and approved by Senate)


Professor Sabina Mihelj (2025)

Professor Baibing Li (2025) 

Co-opted Member  
One co-opted member from a BAME group appointed for a three-year term of office TBA 
Secretary (to be provided by Human Resources) Hayley Short

The 3 Senior Professors, explicitly not Deans, would be nominated by the Vice-Chancellor and approved by Senate.  They would serve for 2 years, though extensions would be considered on a case-by-case basis and every effort will be made to ensure that all 3 do not change at the same time.

Quorum: Provost/Deputy Vice-Chancellor, two Pro-Vice-Chancellor(s) and at least one senior Professor.

Composition and membership 2023/24


Ex-officio Members  
Provost and Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Chair) Professor Chris Linton

Professor Rachel Thomson, PVC (E&SE)

Professor Dan Parsons, PVC (R&I) 

Appointed members  
3 Senior Professors (explicitly not Deans, nominated by the Vice-Chancellor and approved by Senate)

Professor Rebecca Cain (2024)

Professor Sabina Mihelj (2025)

Professor Baibing Li (2025) 

Co-opted Member  
One co-opted member from a BAME group appointed for a three-year term of office Professor Amanda Daley (2024)
Secretary (to be provided by Human Resources) Hayley Short

The 3 Senior Professors, explicitly not Deans, would be nominated by the Vice-Chancellor and approved by Senate.  They would serve for 2 years, though extensions would be considered on a case-by-case basis and every effort will be made to ensure that all 3 do not change at the same time.

Quorum: Provost/Deputy Vice-Chancellor, two Pro-Vice-Chancellor(s) and at least one senior Professor.

Composition and membership 2022/23


Ex-officio Members  
Provost and Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Chair) Professor Chris Linton

Professor Rachel Thomson (PVCT)

Professor Dan Parsons (PVCR)

Professor Charlotte Croffie (PVCEDI)  

Appointed members  
3 Senior Professors (explicitly not Deans, nominated by the Vice-Chancellor and approved by Senate)

Professor Rebecca Cain (2023)

Professor Sabina Mihelj (2025)

Professor Baibing Li (2025) 

Co-opted Member  
One co-opted member from a BAME group appointed for a three-year term of office Professor Amanda Daley (2024)
Secretary (to be provided by Human Resources) Anne Lamb, Director of Human Resources

The 3 Senior Professors, explicitly not Deans, would be nominated by the Vice-Chancellor and approved by Senate.  They would serve for 2 years, though extensions would be considered on a case-by-case basis and every effort will be made to ensure that all 3 do not change at the same time.

Quorum: Provost/Deputy Vice-Chancellor, two Pro-Vice-Chancellor(s) and at least one senior Professor.

Composition and membership 2021/22


Ex-officio Members 
Provost and Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Chair) Professor Chris Linton
Pro-Vice-Chancellors Professor Rachel Thomson (PVCT)
Professor Steve Rothberg (PVCR)  
Appointed members 
3 Senior Professors (explicitly not Deans, nominated by the Vice-Chancellor and approved by Senate) Professor M.N.Ravishankar (2023)
Professor Rebecca Cain (2023)
Professor Sabina Mihelj (2022)
Co-opted Member 
One co-opted member from a BAME group appointed for a three-year term of office Professor Amanda Daley (2023)
Secretary (to be provided by Human Resources) Adèle MacKinlay, Director of Human Resources and Organisational Development
Anne Lamb, Deputy Director of Human Resources and Organisational Development

The 3 Senior Professors, explicitly not Deans, would be nominated by the Vice-Chancellor and approved by Senate.  They would serve for 2 years, though extensions would be considered on a case-by-case basis and every effort will be made to ensure that all 3 do not change at the same time.

Quorum: Provost/Deputy Vice-Chancellor, two Pro-Vice-Chancellor(s) and at least one senior Professor.

Composition and membership 2020/21


Ex-officio Members 
Provost and Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Chair) Professor Chris Linton
Pro-Vice-Chancellors Professor Rachel Thomson (PVCT)
Professor Steve Rothberg (PVCR)
Professor Tracy Bhamra (PVCE)
Appointed members 
3 Senior Professors (explicitly not Deans, nominated by the Vice-Chancellor and approved by Senate) Professor Rob Wilby (2021)
Professor Eran Edirisinghe (2021)
Professor Sabina Mihelj (2022)
Co-opted Member 
One co-opted member from a BAME group appointed for a three-year term of office Professor Amanda Daley (2023)
Secretary (to be provided by Human Resources) Adèle MacKinlay, Director of Human Resources and Organisational Development
Anne Lamb, Deputy Director of Human Resources and Organisational Development

The 3 Senior Professors, explicitly not Deans, would be nominated by the Vice-Chancellor and approved by Senate.  They would serve for 2 years, though extensions would be considered on a case-by-case basis and every effort will be made to ensure that all 3 do not change at the same time.

Quorum: Provost/Deputy Vice-Chancellor, two Pro-Vice-Chancellor(s) and at least one senior Professor.

Composition and membership 2019/20


Ex-officio Members 
Provost and Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Chair) Professor Chris Linton
Pro-Vice-Chancellors Professor Rachel Thomson (PVCT)
Professor Steve Rothberg (PVCR)
Professor Tracy Bhamra (PVCE)
Appointed members 
3 Senior Professors (explicitly not Deans, nominated by the Vice-Chancellor and approved by Senate) Professor Rob Wilby
Professor Eran Edirisinghe 
Professor Marsha Meskimmon
Co-opted Member 
One co-opted member from a BAME group appointed for a three-year term of office Professor Amanda Daley (2023)
Secretary (to be provided by Human Resources) Adèle MacKinlay, Director of Human Resources and Organisational Development
Anne Lamb, Deputy Director of Human Resources and Organisational Development

The 3 Senior Professors, explicitly not Deans, would be nominated by the Vice-Chancellor and approved by Senate.  They would serve for 2 years, though extensions would be considered on a case-by-case basis and every effort will be made to ensure that all 3 do not change at the same time.

Quorum: Provost/Deputy Vice-Chancellor, two Pro-Vice-Chancellor(s) and at least one senior Professor.